studio organization, take 3? 4?…

after deskW

Originally uploaded by rteest42

Yeah, well. I didn’t make it a resolution. But I DID start it before January ended. Just.

It’s a never ending battle, my desire to have all my things accessible, yet to have space to work with aforesaid items.

This time, I am trying a different way.  I consider this “after’ grouping level one. I know there is more that needs doing. Further organization, and definitely more purging. However, the first layer has been completed, in that all my fabric tools have been corralled onto the window side of the studio, and the scrapbooking/altered book/rubberstamp/floral supply/paints etc have made it to the other side.

Jewelry will for the moment stay with fabric, as it works well, fitting on one shelf. However, if when I move on to the wall side, and can tighten up/toss I could envision jewelry moving there. That would open up a bit more space. But I don’t think its important that they move. More important is making everything accessible.

I also do my creative writing here, and my photoshopping and scanning. (oh, and writing to you, from right there in that closet!)

So, step two is going to be continuing with fabric. I have a goodly supply sitting on the ironing board. That needs to be sorted and stored by either color or by project. I would like for it to all make it into one of the available containers.

Step three will be more daunting. Attacking the scrapbooking wall. I really need to edit the amounts and kinds of things that are there. I need to think about whether I can envision myself using things, no matter how cute they are.

Wish me luck!